Replacement High Speed Door installed at ambient grocery producer in Yorkshire.

Goldenfry Foods is a British food manufacturer based in Wetherby, West Yorkshire. The company manufactures most own brand supermarket gravy products as well as many of their own food products. The company started as a small independent fish and chip shop in Wetherby. The company evolved to start making gravy and gravy products….Read More

Goldenfry Foods is a British food manufacturer based in Wetherby, West Yorkshire. The company manufactures most own brand supermarket gravy products as well as many of their own food products. The company started as a small independent fish and chip shop in Wetherby. The company evolved to start making gravy and gravy products. In the 1960s the Sandbeck Industrial Estate started to develop in Wetherby, Goldenfry started to develop a factory there, the company extended their premises until it reached maximum capacity on its site in the 1990s. The company demolished its factory and modernised its site building to a new large impressive structure, which opened in 1999.

Armo received an order early May to replace 2no High Speed Doors in Goldenfry’s dry goods storage area. After a subsequent site survey, we were able to commence with works at the start of July.

Model ARHS High Speed Door

The ARHS High Speed Doors we supplied were belt driven with an opening width of 4150mm, an opening height of 5150mm and headroom of 1100mm. The curtain provided with the door is a colour impregnated polyester flexible curtain. There are 2 rectangular windows with rounded corners provided with the curtain. The opening and closing speed of these doors is an impressive time of up to 1.2 m/s. There is a wireless safety edge system and photocell mounted within line of the door itself.


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