Armo are proud to be working with such a reputable Construction Company that’s mission is to provide exceptional value-added construction services by creating a successful, long lasting partnership with their clients, contractors, and the communities they work in. They work in an ethical and efficient manner to earn the privilege of being the General Contractor of choice.
On this project we have designed, manufactured, and installed 7 load houses, perfect for creating extra loading space. The Armo Load House model ARLH is perfect for fast and efficient installation. The load house reduces downtime and brings your loading bay operation back to peak efficiency within the shortest possible time.
Insulated ARLH Armo Load House
The Armo Insulated Load House model ARLH is simply manufactured off site and delivered for fast and efficient installation. The load house reduces downtime and brings your loading bay operation back to peak efficiency within the shortest possible time.
ARLH Armo Load House are a fully constructed loading bay added on to the building façade, suitable for existing buildings or as new build. The model ARLH is provided as a complete installed package with all rainwater goods and flashings to seal to the building.
One of the more recent changes in road haulage has been the advent of the use of double deck trailers, Armo Loading Houses are specifically designed to deal with Double Deck trailers.
ARTL Telescopic Lip Dock Levellers employ two lengths of lip, 500mm and 1000mm enabling extended reach over tail lifts and with its precise control making it possible to unload vehicles with pallets right at the very back.
The Dock Leveller is incorporated within a floor mounted base frame complete with robust legs for bolting down. The 6-tonne single axle load capacity strictly in accordance with British standard for Dock Levellers BS EN 1396.
Sliding Polyethylene Dock Buffers Armo buffers are manufactured from energy absorbing Polyethylene provided in yellow. They steel housing is wielded to the dock level frame and base frame. The buffers are then provided and slots into the mounted plates, enabling the buffers to slide up and down, behind the very heavy-duty buffers.
The front surface of the buffers is smooth and hard polyethylene buffer is backed with a rubber shock absorbing fillet.
AROD Insulated Sectional Overhead Doors, the Insulated Sectional Overhead Door tracks are our galvanised steel ‘J’ type, which are designed to give free and easy running for bearing rollers. These tracks are mounted onto a heavy-duty galvanised jamb angle. The perimeter of the doors is fully sealed, as well as the intermediate panel joints, providing most effective weather seal to the door.
ARRS Insulated Roller Shutter Door. This is a derivation of the standard roller shutter, the insulated roller shutter door is manufactured in a similar way, but the curtain is formed with two laths with insulation material between them. The roll when the door is open is a larger diameter, but it requires significantly less space behind the door than a sectional overhead door.
The secondary Electric Roller Blind gives an additional seal on the vehicle and gives the client more control.
ARDL Dock Loading Light was supplied and installed on the inside of the loading bay door which provides light into every corner of a docked trailer which improves visibility and helps prevent accidents occurring. The light is a 70W system, which was interlocked with the door so that when the door opens, the light will turn on and when the door closes, the light switches off.
Traffic Lights which are interlocked to the door, so that the light shows green when the door is closed and red when open.
Wheel Guides. These guides are manufactured with soft radius bends and are supplied for installing centrally to the loading bay. The reversing vehicle slots between the guides, ensuring the vehicle docks safely and centrally onto the loading bay.
Armo have been manufacturing high quality loading bay and lifting table solutions since 1972, for a free site survey please contact us.
call us on 01952 606133 or email us on
Armo have been manufacturing high quality loading bay and lifting table solutions since 1972.