Located on the South Bank, London, one of the city's most iconic landmarks known for entertainment, culture and education awarded Armo (UK) with a project for installing a low profile goods platform lift to transfer refuge to an upper level as the existing ramp solution was proving dangerous, especially in wet conditions.
Darrell Hopwood, Armo (UK)’s Managing Director, was able to advise and quote for an Armo ARGL Extra Flat Table with a limited stroke to suit site conditions. From date of order we were able to start installation two weeks later.
The ARGL lift can deal with heights up to 4500mm with a range of platform sizes offered by Armo’s comprehensive range of standard scissor mechanisms. Armo lifting tables are simple and robust in design and construction, from the rolled steel angle base frame through to the solid steel plate arms right through to the structured platform the lift is constructed to last.